Posts tagged credit score scale
Average Credit Scores By Age: How Do you Stand?

When you consider credit scores going along with certain age groups, you can see how you're doing. You can see if your credit score is good for your age group. You shouldn't get discouraged if you find that others in your age group have generally higher scores.

However, knowing this might help to motivate you. Perhaps your score is low for your age group. In this case, you might want to improve your finances. You might find that your score is high for your age. This helps encourage you to continue the good work.

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Getting My Credit Score Above 700: Raise the Bar

Credit is a scary subject for many of us. I find that is because many people do not fully understand credit and how their credit score is impacted. Once you gain a clear understanding of credit, you can take control and get your credit score above 700. There is some basic information that is useful for you to understand in order to improve your financial health.

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Your Business Credit Guide That Gets Down to Business

It does not matter if you have a brand new start up, or you have a well established business, they all face the same credit concerns. Even when your business is doing really well and making a large amount of profit, you must work hard to maintain great credit. You also must be careful not to get your business credit tangled up with your personal credit. That could prove to be a disaster for your business and for your personally.

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